India’s latest pace sensation Mayank Yadav made a striking IPL debut for the Lucknow Super Giants against the Punjab Kings, where he grabbed headlines with his impressive performance. Recording figures of 3/27, Mayank showcased his blistering pace, captivating fans and experts alike. Notably, in the 12th over of Punjab’s innings, he unleashed the season’s fastest delivery, clocking an impressive 155.8 kmph, a moment that quickly went viral on social media platforms.
India’s latest pace sensation Mayank Yadav made a striking IPL debut for the Lucknow Super Giants against the Punjab Kings, where he grabbed headlines with his impressive performance. Recording figures of 3/27, Mayank showcased his blistering pace, captivating fans and experts alike. Notably, in the 12th over of Punjab’s innings, he unleashed the season’s fastest delivery, clocking an impressive 155.8 kmph, a moment that quickly went viral on social media platforms.